Taking It Personally

episode artwork

Elle Turner

02 May 2024

16m 39s

The trouble with money and business is that it’s not about money (or business)



The trouble with money and business 


Is that it’s not about money (or business)


I’ve wondered on and off since I started this Podcast, more than a couple of years ago now, when I’d feel capable of bringing the topic of Money Mindset to an episode.


It appears that day is today, because here we are!


Like all of us, I brought perspectives around money, both conscious and unconscious, with me into my business when I started in the online space in 2016. 


Long story short - FIASCO.


But that short story remained long to rewrite and, as with all aspects of personal development work, it requires ongoing attention.


If you struggle with your thoughts, beliefs and approach around the role, presence or absence of money in your business, join me for this episode of Taking It Personally and my long-awaited money mindset wisdom!


Elle xo


*For solopreneurs, or business owners with 1 or 2 of a team, who want  to show up and share their message confidently and consistently to attract kindred soul clients, a like-hearted community and make sales.*

Email me {elle AT elleturner DOT me} on DM me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/elleturner_writer/) and let's talk about the entrepreneur training you need for where you're at in your business right now.


Are you part of our heart-led conversation?

Our Heart-Led Conversation is my VIP email community. Find out via the link below why you want to be part of it! You can join here and, to welcome you, I'll send you a FREE guide '5 ways to stop procrastinating and take action TODAY so that you can achieve your business goals' 



True Time Management for new & experienced Solopreneurs

If you feel like you need to spend more time in your business to gain traction and see a return for all your hard work, but you just can’t squeeze another minute out of your already packed and overscheduled day, check out the (don't worry, it's short!) Online Course True Time Management for new & experienced Solopreneurs 



Website: https://elleturner.me/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elleturner_writer/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elle-turner/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elleturnerbusiness

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